Friday, June 29, 2012

Post Game Update

12:39 a.m.
I got back from the football game around 11:00 o’clock and I was never once tired at all.  This could be because the two friends that I went with and I were in a bit of a silly mood and we kept each other awake well enough. 

The game was enjoyable even though our somewhat home team got destroyed 44-16.  It was embarrassing but still a good time.

As promised I worked on a project tonight; one that I have been putting off for months for no real good reason.  I will post a photo of how far I am tomorrow if I can find a single camera in this house that works. 

The first play of the game!
I think when it’s said that these types of sleep cycles make you more creative, they refer to the arts that depend on a spontaneous element.  By that I mean music and sculpture or painting.  If the art however needs serious thought and preplanning (writing a novel, realistic art) it becomes much harder to do at night.  The reason I say this is because A couple nights ago I attempted to continue a story I had previously started.  My brain couldn’t continue the story fluidly and I gave up.  Tonight however, at about midnight, I worked on the visual work that should be posted soon.  I found that I was much more creative, took risks more often and added an edge that otherwise could have been omitted. In summary, I think these sleep cycles help art that relies on emotion and reaction and hinders art that is dependent upon forethought and precise requirements.

Lastly I would just like to comment on my physical and mental state.  There is nothing significant to note.  However I feel that I am more alert tonight than I was last night.

Pre Football Game

3:23 p.m.
I’m about to head out to Hamilton for the third time in three days.  Today it’s to catch a Canadian football game with my friend.  We are going to see the Tiger-cats play and I’ll be getting picked up in about ten minutes.

My afternoon rest period went fine.  Initially I was worried because it took about ten minutes to fall asleep but I eventually dozed off and only awoke to the sound of my alarm.

This morning and afternoon I started some art and I’m excited about that.  I’m considering opening another page on the blog for my artwork that I complete during this experiment.  I have heard that these sleep cycles are supposed to make you more creative.  We’ll see.
I know it doesn't look like much now but hey, I just started

Still no side effects.  I only hope that tonight and tomorrow morning go along as scheduled.

Some Bumps Along The Way

6:19 a.m.
Again I did it this morning.  I woke up at five a.m. when my alarm went off then I lied down and fell asleep until six.  Yesterday I was okay with it but today I’m frustrated.  This needs to stop as sleeping for an extra hour a day is not part of the experiment and is cheating.  Tomorrow I will have to get up and walk around like I mentioned earlier.
I also fell asleep half an hour early last night so that’s upsetting as well.  I guess I spoke too soon when I said that this project was going well and it was easy.  As of now, I have gotten up at the right time two of the four mornings.  I have went to bed three of the five nights.  These are not good numbers. 
I guess I should keep in mind that I have read that it takes ten days to fully switch over sleep cycles. This had been my goal before but I had just been thinking that it would take ten days to not be really tired in the day.  I’m not sure if they meant ten days to be able to fall asleep and get up on time.
I don’t want to speak too soon but it appears that the afternoon rest period is the only one that has been constant for me.  This at least, is a good sign.
I’m not experiencing any physical or mental side effects at this point.  I’m just frustrated with myself that I haven’t been able to stay up and then get up when I have needed to.  If you guys have any suggestions you can tweet me or let me know in the comments.